Is ipv6 tunneling possible with Bell?


If Bell is still not allowing ipv6, I'm trying to setup an ipv6 tunnel so I can connect to work.  I get the following error with the tunnel provider:

"IP is not ICMP pingable. Please make sure ICMP is not blocked. If you are blocking ICMP, please allow through your firewall."

Is this possible with the Home Hub 4000 ?  Yeah, there's port forwarding, but that's for TCP and UDP packers, not ICMP.

Do I need a static address for the router to be reachable by ICMP?  Do you offer static addresses for residential service?


Community All-Star
Community All-Star

Hi @jlam 

I'm going way out on an uneducated limb to say you're possibly out of luck re ICMP on your service from Bell.

As you noted, since ICMP doesn't use ports, unlike TCP and UDP, port forwarding isn't relevant.

Also, the firewall configuration on the Bell Home Hub isn't user-accessible, so there's no way to unblock ICMP traffic. It's likely blocked by default (modem firmware setting). The packets are being dropped.

Even if it's a solution Bell doesn't offer static addresses for residential service. What about using a VPN?

Hope the experts here will contribute some ideas. You could also post your IPv6/ICMP problem on the DSLR Bell forum - , and/or the Bell Reddit - . There are many knowledgeable people on those forums who will respond to your questions and hopefully offer solutions.

Keep us posted your progress!



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Regular Contributor

I got a IPV6 tunnel working by using a separate router connected via ppoe.  So I have the GigaHub serving the usual home IPV4 trafic, and a second router running the IPV6-in-IPV4 tunnel serving my IPV6 traffic.  The second router is running OpenWRT. Any old router that supports OpenWRT will do. This is an acceptable solution for me.

Regular Contributor

I have not been able to ping my GigaHub. It didn't mater what I tried. Without DMZ, with DMZ, Advanced DMZ, whatever else, no luck. However a second router connected via ppoe could be pinged.