Profiles, or separate accounts to watch Fibe TV?

Contributor III

I'm relatively new to Bell Fibe, so sorry if this has been asked before.

I'm wondering for family members to have the Fibe TV app on their devices, must I share my master Bell account credentials with them for them to connect outside the house? This seems to have the potential to be dangerous.

Or is there a way to have them have another set of credentials that only let them watch programming?

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Regular Contributor II

I'm pretty sure the only way to get access to fibe tv app wihtout sharing your bell account username and password is if the device is connected to a Bell internet connection that is on the same account as the tv subscription.....this means you cant take the device outside the house without sharing your password......or else it will be like Netflix where 5 people share 1 account.

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Regular Contributor II

I'm pretty sure the only way to get access to fibe tv app wihtout sharing your bell account username and password is if the device is connected to a Bell internet connection that is on the same account as the tv subscription.....this means you cant take the device outside the house without sharing your password......or else it will be like Netflix where 5 people share 1 account.

I just set up a new account with you and want to provide login access to users in my household to view content without giving them the main account login credentials. Where do I go to set up users in the account so they can use their own login to access the services?  I do not want to give the main account access to users to log into the account to view TV.

Community All-Star
Community All-Star

Please explain further. Which Fibe TV package do you have? Devices?

You can not set up individual user accounts on Fibe TV. You can set up Parental Controls.

The following link will walk you through the Parental Controls available on the Fibe TV box. Choose the default remote or select Change.

Fibe TV Voice Remote (

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I am not concerned with parental control I am concerned with giving out the account owner credentials for my household members to use to login with when outside our home network. I don't think it matters what device or package we have for this. Typically on most shared accounts there is a main or master login and then profiles are set up for other users to access a given service where they use a personal login, not the master login. Are you saying I need to give the master login to each person that is going to log into the network?

So the short answer is, in order to give access to the account to my household for use outside our home network is to share the main account login credentials with everyone. Quite an inferior practice.

Shared passwords? That is never a good thing to do.

I cannot imagine this is thought of as acceptable by any company or any person. But it is acceptable at Bell...