Calendar Dates

Contributor II

In the Outlook calendar, the time for appointments is correct and is synced to the EST.

From Nov. 6 onward in the calendar, the appointments are an hour later. I cannot correct them. The time reverts to one hour later, i.e. on Nov. 6, the 11:30 am appointment displays as 12:30 pm.

How do I correct this? I cannot keep mentally subtracting an hour. I'm bound to make a mistake.



Hi there @Knitwit,

Thank you for your post and welcome to the Community.

Could you please clarify if you are strictly referring to Outlook, or are you referring to Bell Webmail?

If you are referring to Outlook, this is a Microsoft product and they would be responsible for fixing / addressing any bugs.

I am using Bell Webmail.



Hey there @Knitwit, thanks for your reply.

When logged into Bell Webmail I recommend you click Settings, Basic settings, select the box beside Sync with my time zone and Save.

Then when you set up a New appointment in Bell Webmail the event should show up in your Bell Webmail calendar as scheduled. 

Let the Community know if you need help with anything else.

Have a nice day 🙂

- Patricia



Contributor III

Hello Bell Canada, I noticed similar or same issue in the Bell webmail calendar as the OP. The upcoming time change is on November 6, 2022, and calendar entries after that date are not keeping the set times. As an example, I am trying to enter an appointment for November 12 that starts at 10:30am, and everytime I save it, the entry shows up on the calendar view as 11:30am. SOmeone needs to open a ticket with tech support to look into this. Very disppointing for a company like Bell to put out a product that can't handle the time change.

Contributor III

Furthermore, I do have "Sync with my time zone" checked off and saved in General Settings.

So if you and I are having the problem, I'm going to assume other people are, so yes, Bell, please look into this asap. It is a most annoying glitch.


Community Manager

Thanks for flagging Community!

We have been able to replicate and confirm the issue with calendar times being one hour ahead after November 6th 2022 (not aligning with Daylight Savings).

Once we have a fix in place we will update the thread. Stay tuned 🙂



Contributor III

Hello BellDRock, glad your team was able to replicate the calendar time issue. Trust you will post to this thread once the fix is in place. Thanks.

Contributor III

I'm assuming others probably just haven't noticed the issue yet, or chose to use a different calendar solution!