Home Hub 4000 Firewall?

Community All-Star
Community All-Star

I want all devices on the LAN side benefiting from router-level protection.

For now I don't want to connect my 3rd party router, to get a firewall.

Is there an embedded firewall in the HH4000? I can't find a configuration screen for it.



I am a Community All-Star and customer. I'm here to help by sharing my knowledge and experience. My views on Bell and the Community Forum are my own and not the views of Bell or any of its affiliates.


Hi ZaneP, thanks for your post.

Great question! You have the standard firewall but, there is no configurable Firewall within the gateway.

Our equipment is optimized for the best available protection. 

Have a wonderful afternoon. 🙂

- Patricia 



Contributor II

"optimized" sure is a creative way to describe lack of feature set. I get it that Bell wants to keep it simple for the average user but Bell might be forgetting that the average user of today is far more knowledgeable than the average user of yesteryear. Dumbing things down is a disservice to its customers. It should at least give the ability for the user to enable 'advanced mode' and have a better feature set....bridge mode anyone???


In todays world some @home internet users should not be on TicToc, Instagram, or any adult-themed websites. Having a firewall to stop broadcasts from harming Bell's network is important but I need to be actively involved in securing content for users.    I would like to stop certain websites, manage devices in schedules, write rules for protocols etc.  Let's face it Bell... end-users are becoming savvier and savvier and should be respected.  For those that have no clue how to manage traffic safely, a default firewall works just fine however, users who want to be proactive in their internet safety should not be discluded. As it seems the only solution is to buy a thirda party router with a firewall that is accessible and bridge the modem and toss out the entire Whole Home experience that suggests at the end of all that, youre no diferent than the cheapy providers.  If Bell wants to be classed that way, then bother with the whole home promotions.  Just provide a modem and either give the customer to option to supply their own firewall or as a suggestion offer one.  Seems to me the quickest solution is to update the software or SRM in the Hub 4000 or previous models.  Not sure "Bell Internet for Dummies only" is a good business model.  You may end up loosing a lot of potential clients and reclaimimng the savvy client if you are better at inclussion of your marketing.  

Optimized great but I need to block IOT devices from going on the internet but will work on my local network. So the BELL APP is not good for me because it blocks the devices from communication on the internal LAN. 

I would agree 100% with your POV. Bell's "Big Brother", controlling-all, secretive approach grows tiring, and the fact that a user needs to rely on third party forums/information for something as simple as attempting to bridge their provided equipment is sad. Although, I suppose that uninformed customers leads to increased dependency on Bell's products/services and, in the end, increased revenues........   Bell does a good job "talking the talk" about customer satisfaction, but in the past several years, in my opinion, they have not been "walking the walk"......