New Webmail - Format and Feature Issues

Contributor II

I am trying to get used to the new email format. I love some of the changes but am having difficulty with others.

When I click on the square box next to the subject line when I first open my email link it now automatically opens to the email. In the past, I could click on the square box for several emails(they wouldn't automatically open again) and I could move them all at once to a select file folder. Now I have to move each one individually which is very time consuming. Is there a step I am missing or is this just the new way and if it is can this be addressed in an update?

I also find the font size smaller than before. I am not sure if it is because of the font size or if the colour was changed on the font but it is now hard to differentiate between unopened emails and opened emails. Is there some way I can change the colour of the font and the size? I have looked into my email settings as well as my browser settings but I couldn't see anything. 

Would love any help anyone can give! Thank You

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Since the upgrade, my Bell email is persistently buggy in functionality.

  • I will lose the cursor continually while writing an email, necessitating a mouse click to restart typing.
  • The Contacts information and its retrieval by typing an individual's name into an email has become hit or miss.
  • On select email replies, with no apparent pattern, I will not have access to basic text functions (bold, bullet, etc.)

This is very frustrating with the number of emails I send through my Bell account. May I assume that these problems are known and will soon be resolved?

Thank you.


In the previous email program, I could insert an image that would be seen as part of the email. not as an attachment. Now when I try to do it, I keep getting "Web Top Error".

This new Bell Mail is a DISASTER!!!


I am unable to send emails from websites that direct to my Bell Mail. How can I fix this?



Six phone calls to Bell Tech to explain I wasn't receiving specific emails on Two important work emails and no clue as to whatever else isn't getting through. Each operator pointed out at the call rep before them didn't pass along enough information. No one called to check except one person from the wrong department.  Bell needs a serious makeover and customer service rethink.  Still no email fix.  

This is about Bell Webmail. Firstly why does it not have its own category? I have a problem with "Collected addresses". When I compose an email and enter a few letters, the recipient in my contacts appears but so do several old addresses. I want to delete them since I have selected the wrong recipients before because of this. I did a search in Collected addresses and found my target. I deleted it. However it still shows when I compose and enter the same letters in recipient. Do I have to log off? Then I saw that I have 2400 Collected addresses. I need a  "delete all". Is there one? I can use the select box at the top but only to select 1 page at a time. Then I select More...Delete This appears to delete them. Finally I tried to select one, scroll down several pages, then press Shift and select another. Sometimes this selects all addresses in between but other times this simply does not work. Any ideas?

Contributor II

I too REALLY hate that I can't just click in the "To" box and start writing the person's name and having autofill do the rest. That box that pops up asking us to search through our Contacts is ridiculous; when it lists the person to whom I'm sending an email, nothing happens when I click on the name and/or email address of the contact! I end up selecting the contact's email address, right clicking on it to select "Copy" and then I have to Paste it into the "To" line/box.
I've found ONE way to get around this (and I HOPE BELL reads this forum), I write in the subject line/box FIRST, then move my cursor into the "To" box and then I can start writing the email address of the recipient and then autofill does the rest.

A trick for increasing your font size within an email: hold down the <Ctrl> key and then press to + key - each time you click +, your font size will increase. Then you'll see a small rectangular box up on the address bar where you should see a magnifying glass, the percentage increase of your font size (e.g. 110% or 125%). You will see a + and a - sign that you can use and finally, you'll see an option to <reset> your font. I've done this and found that the next time I write an email, the font size selected earlier "sticks" as my default font size. (And for those with eagle eyes, <Ctrl> - will decrease the font size in your emails.)

Hope this helps!
(And hope Bell gets rid of that stupid Contacts pop up every time you try to put your curser in the "To" field of your email!!)

"I too REALLY hate that I can't just click in the "To" box and start writing the person's name and having autofill do the rest. That box that pops up asking us to search through our Contacts is ridiculous; when it lists the person to whom I'm sending an email, nothing happens when I click on the name and/or email address of the contact! I end up selecting the contact's email address, right clicking on it to select "Copy" and then I have to Paste it into the "To" line/box."

The problem happens when you click your cursor close to the "To." If you click your cursor further to the right, in the empty box, you can then start typing the name you're sending to and if you're lucky it will autofill....or not. But that's another issue. 😉

A friend of mine whose son works in this area explained to her that bad code never gets taken out and rewritten, it just gets overwritten. So don't hold your breath for any of these issues to get fixed. And.... Yup, just checked, I still have a noon-to-noon calendar.

Thanks Doig42. That does work but why do they require that extra step? Another head scratcher .


Contributor II

I have found that if you save the message as a Draft and then open the Draft, click the Edit target on the right and then send it the message goes through. No idea why this works.

Hello I need to reset my password for my Samsung account but when I put in a request for a verification email to request my account I don't see any verification email on my Sympatico email account. They said check my spam folders but still no Samsung emails. Anyone know how you can fix this issue?