Forum posts

Giga Hub DHCP Reservation Issue

I am trying to reserve an IP address to each unique device (Device MAC) in my household.  When I setup a static IP address and when the device is offline, the IP address becomes free and isn't statically/reserved any longer.  This allows another devi...

Double NAT? How can I get rid of it.

I have just switched from Rogers cable to Bell Fibe. I work from home. I am using Parsec to access my office PC from home. My home PC is plugged directly into the Bell Fibe router. However Parsec will not allow me to access my work computer now. I al...

ScottJ by Contributor
  • 1 replies

Resolved! Double NAT on Home Hub 4000 with an existing home LAN

Is there an actual or potential double NAT issue with connecting my existing router to the 4000?  Are there settings on the 4000 to avoid this while retaining TV and phone connections? I intend to use my existing wifi setup on my LAN.  Can I switch o...

WalterG by Contributor II
  • 28 replies

Fastest WAN bandwidth for SFP module that came with HH3000

Currently I subscribe to Bell FTTH 500 Up/Down and it came with a HH3000. Due to the issues with the HH3000 and how my network has outgrown it, I removed the SFP and put it into a 10Gbps media converter. All is working well, but I'm thinking of subsc...

Jobotech by Contributor
  • 1 replies

Media Converter instead of Gigahub for FTTH

Is Bell offering (or have then considered offering) a Media converter box as an alternative to the GigaHub router? My home network setup exceeds what the GigaHub can provide (i.e VLANS) and since the SFP module can't be removed, it seems a waste upgr...

Jobotech by Contributor
  • 2 replies

Please wait for email(s) to load completely

I have had this issue for more than a year. My inbox shows one item blank and I can't get rid of it. I have a box popup saying "Please wait for email(s) to load completely"  there is also a spinning dotted circle too in middle of line. My other email...